Guided tour for children – Davanzati Palace – Ladies and Knights in search of the secret garden

A rampant lion, the ancient emblem of the Davanzati family, invites us to enter…

Guided tour for children – Davanzati Palace – Ladies and Knights in search of the secret garden

A rampant lion, ancient emblem of the Davanzati family, invites us to enter the 14th-century palace where ladies and knights can begin a journey full of unexpected surprises. From the first floor, our path will make its way through impervious stone staircases, bright halls and charming rooms that still preserve frescoes of ancient emblems and tales of chivalry.

Trees rich in colorful fruits, rose gardens with intense scents and an endless variety of birds will accompany the ladies and knights until the mystery of a wonderful secret garden will suddenly reveal itself to our eyes.

for informations:

cell. +393407039834
