We will discover the extraordinary sets of the shows conceived and staged by Brunelleschi, Vasari and Buontalenti, with music from the period.
Scuderie di Pratolino – The Theatre at the Medici Court
Music, dances and costumes from the 15th to the 17th century
Our visit will be a journey, through the scale models of the faithfully reconstructed Medici theatre sets on display at the Scuderie di Pratolino, to rediscover the extraordinary scenography of the shows designed and staged by Brunelleschi, Vasari and Buontalenti. We will investigate the symbolic meaning of some famous representations and the techniques used to arouse the wonder and surprise of the public, but above all we will be able to relive the magical atmospheres of the time, thanks to the listening of some musical pieces relating to the plays held at court.
Through the observation of the stage machinery used, we will also grasp the strong link that unites those design activities with the more subtle planes, expressed and manifested by the actors, singers and musicians, under a single “direction”, through a perfect and unusual hierarchy that somehow wanted to lead back to one great musical consonance: the Harmony of the Spheres.
The visit takes place at the Scuderie inside the Parco di Pratolino
for information contact:
cell. +393407039834
email: firenzealchemica@gmail.com